Kizomba Beginner Boot Camp

By Kizomba Columbia (other events)

Saturday, March 24 2018 5:30 PM 8:30 PM EDT

Want to learn Kizomba but can't come during our regularly scheduled Monday class? If you're an existing you want to share with your friends your new found love for this dance?

Well, here's your chance!! Come and join us to learn the foundations of Kizomba. And for those who some experience, come on and join us for to improve on your foundational knowledge...or just simply get some practice in.

Cost: $25 Pre-Paid and $35 At the Door                                                                                Couples (1 Lead/1 Follow ) $40 Prepaid and $60 At The Door
(Price includes entrance to Kizomba Social starting at 9PM).

5:30 - 6:00 Doors Open '(Open Dance)
6:00 - 6:45: Intro to Kizomba / Connection
7:00 - 7:45 Partnerwork
8:00 - 8:30 Musicality
8:30 - 9:00 Dance Party (With entry to the boot camp, you can join us for the Kizomba Social starting at 9PM)

Who should attend this class?
This class is open for everyone, from beginners to advanced dancers. We have designed this class to teach and enhance the essential techniques of Kizomba.

What will you learn?
Kizomba posture and frame Leading for men, following for ladies, The art of connection The fundamental steps of Kizomba Playing with your basics with music.